For muscles disrupted by surgery, hands on “breaking up” of scar tissues is not as effective because the scar is a thick three dimensional bridge. Manual therapy, of any type, only touches the surface. Injection of prolotherapy is used to deeply stretch the core of a knotty scar complex. It is so effective, that women feel immediate relaxation in the abdominal and pelvic tissues. Women have reported relief of their pelvic congestion within minutes.
Osteopathy is a method of treating musculoskeletal tensions and imbalances. The combination of prolotherapy and osteopathy is a powerful combination for relief and path for healing. Alone, each modality would require multiple visits. Dr. H uses osteopathy for a holistic hands on manual therapy combined with or following, the use of prolotherapy. Together, it is very rare a patient needs to return for repeated injections or osteopathic treatment in the same area.
Because of the success of basic (dextrose & lidocaine) prolotherapy, innovative physicians and scientists expanded the use for injection such as platelet rich plasma (PRP), using ones own blood, spinning down to separate the caustic red blood cells from the champagne serum. The precious serum is rich in living white cells of the immune system that is important for signaling a more profound repair.
This integrative program synergizes with other protocol treatments and services offered in eliminating toxins.
Leaky gut syndrome is impaired intestinal permeability. The mucous lining of our intestines absorbs water and nutrients from our food into our bloodstream. A leaky gut has holes letting larger molecules through — potentially toxic ones. Your intestinal lining also acts as a barrier to bacteria and other infectious agents inside the gut. This barrier is an important agent in your immune system. If your intestinal barrier is impaired, toxins may trigger an inflammatory response that may manifest as various diseases.
Collagen fibers that connect the skin to the underlying muscle (with fat lying between), may stretch, break down, or pull tight. As fat cells accumulate, they push up against the skin. This allows fat cells to bulge out causing a dimpling or lumpy skin surface. Although cellulite is not harmful to your health, the aesthetic causes many to become self conscious and less confident.
Parasites and parasitic infections are common.There are many different types of parasites, and an array of different ways to contract them. Common parasite symptoms may include fatigue, insomnia, muscle aches, abdominal pain and skin rash. Strengthening your immune system through diet and supplementation helps rid your body of parasites.
Pharmaceutical-grade nutraceuticals excel in potency, purity and absorption, while eliminating the bad integrity of artificial ingredients, allergens and toxins. Dr. Hoang, uses her own dispensary (registration code LH4269) where she curates and prescribes your unique supplement protocol with convenient access to the highest quality from a trusted source.