Does your C section scar hurt? Does your back hurt? Are you having problems loosing belly flab? Do you have digestive issues? Do you have a thick excessive scar? Does your groin hurt? Does your hip hurt?

The development of deep abdominal scar tissue can lead to pain, restricted movement, and adhesions. Common complications include tightness, numbness, or the cesarean “shelf belly” that occurs when flesh hangs over the scar.

There are an array of issues related to a C-section belly but the first runs along the scar line where the muscles no longer connect. The abdominal wall cannot return to a flat position until the scar tissue is made to hold the ends of the muscles together – signaling them to relax and ‘let go’ because the job is done. This makes it impossible to achieve that full “crunch” and burn calories. Since your body is keeping the score, a path to fixing the body’s communication is to reset the messaging by injecting lidocaine, an anesthetic, to make it forget.

Our Services

We offer an uncomplicated healing protocol devised by our very own Dr. Hoang, for healing deep abdominal scar tissue and the discomforts that result from a C-section surgery.